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Fun & Easy Paints for Children

by Deborah Shelton

In a child's mind, any time is a good time to paint. With  these easy-to-make and easy-to-clean paint recipes, adults will have to agree.

Easy Face Paint

This is the easiest to make (and easiest to clean) recipe for face paint. Separate colors with a muffin tin or an egg carton. Place a spoonful of cold cream into each cup. Add 1 or 2 drops of different colors of food coloring to the cold cream, and stir. Apply the face paint using a clean paintbrush or cotton swabs.

Spiffy-Sniffy Watercolors

Your artwork will smell terrific with this simple watercolor recipe. Use a small cup for each color. Mix one package of powdered drink mix (Kool-Aid) with 2 tablespoons of warm water for each color. Stir until the powder dissolves. Once all of the colors are prepared, use a clean paintbrush to paint sweet-smelling pictures.

Window Paint

Turn your windows, patio doors and mirrors into works of art. Mix together equal parts dishwashing liquid and washable liquid paint or powdered tempera. Children will love the process of painting and adults will love the end result: the paint wipes off easily with a dry paper towel. 

Foamy Bath Paint

Encourage children to paint undersea adventure scenes while taking their evening baths. To make bath paints, simply mix together shaving cream with a drop of food coloring. Dip a paintbrush, or better yet, your fingers, into the mix and start creating!

Fun Tip:  To level the playing field between painters of different ages and artistic abilities, place paintbrushes between your toes and paint with your feet! 

About the Author:
Deborah Shelton is a mother, freelance writer, and author of the brand new book, "The Five Minute Parent: Fun & Fast Activities for You and Your Little Ones." Visit Deborah's website, The Five Minute Parent  for more family-friendly ideas, and a free email newsletter.   

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